SPRING HAS SPRUNG – Install the cellar, rattle the pans, open the wine!

Now that it’s almost safe to say that spring is here, we can embrace the joy of new life, trees in leaf, flowers in bloom and fresh, light food to compliment this most beautiful of seasons.

It’s also the perfect time for renovations, additions and improvements to the home. The beauty of having a cellar in your own home is threefold; practical, aesthetic and economic for the care of your collection. Cellar Maison climate controlled wine walls make it easy to store wine in your home when there is limited space. Have a look at our range of stunning solutions for large or small spaces:

Foodwise, keeping it simple is the key and here we’ve made a beautiful piece of char-grilled lamb, accompanied by fresh mint and zucchini salad with zesty garlic paste, as a perfect lunch or dinner. So easy, so delicious.


For 2 people:


500g of boned lamb leg, in the whole piece

Extra virgin olive oil

Sea salt

Fresh cracked pepper

Sprig of young rosemary to serve


4 zucchini – sliced into lengthwise strips

Salad greens – rocket, baby spinach, radicchio – a handful

1 big bunch of fresh mint

Extra virgin olive oil

Lemon juice

Sea salt

Freshly ground black pepper


This is a wonderful condiment, a simple version of the wonderful garlic sauce common in Lebanese cooking.

5 cloves of garlic – crushed

2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil

Lemon juice


Rub the lamb with extra virgin olive oil and plenty of sea salt.

Place on the char-grill and cook for about 7-10 minutes depending on the thickness. Turn and cook the other side. Rest the lamb in a warm place, covered.

(If you don’t have a char-grill, just use a grill pan).

While the lamb is cooking, char-grill the strips of zucchini until there are attractive lines each side.

Toss the greens with the mint leaves – roughly chopped if they’re large. Add the zucchini and a drizzle of olive oil, a good squeeze of lemon, salt and plenty of freshly ground, black pepper.

Puree or crush the garlic further in a mortar and pestle. Mix in the olive oil and salt, add lemon juice to taste. This is a very strong condiment but fantastic on the meat. If you don’t like garlic though – just leave the paste out and maybe serve with a tasty artisan relish or chutney.

Sprinkle the lamb with young rosemary leaves. Slice the meat thickly, on the diagonal and serve.